Call Us Now 303-665-1281
Patient Name
Last Name *
First Name *
Middle Name
Preferred Name *
Appointment Date *
Date Of Birth *
Email *
Phone *
Other Phone
Address *
City *
State *
Zipcode *
Last Visit Date
MD Name *
MD Phone *
Have you ever had any of the following?
AIDS * SelectYesNo
Allergies (list below) * SelectYesNo
Asthma * SelectYesNo
Anemia * SelectYesNo
Arthritis * SelectYesNo
Artificial Joints * SelectYesNo
Cancer * SelectYesNo
Blood Disease * SelectYesNo
Cold Sores * SelectYesNo
Diabetes * SelectYesNo
Dizziness * SelectYesNo
Epilepsy/seizures * SelectYesNo
Excessive Bleeding * SelectYesNo
Fainting * SelectYesNo
Glaucoma * SelectYesNo
Growths * SelectYesNo
Hay Fever * SelectYesNo
Head Injuries * SelectYesNo
Heart Disease * SelectYesNo
Heart * SelectYesNo
Murmur * SelectYesNo
Hepatitis * SelectYesNo
High Blood Pressure * SelectYesNo
Jaundice * SelectYesNo
Kidney Disease * SelectYesNo
Liver Disease * SelectYesNo
Mental Disorders * SelectYesNo
Nervous Disorders * SelectYesNo
Pacemaker * SelectYesNo
Pregnancy * SelectYesNo
Radiation Treatment * SelectYesNo
Respiratory Prob * SelectYesNo
lems * SelectYesNo
Rheumatic Fever * SelectYesNo
Rheumatism * SelectYesNo
Sinus Problems * SelectYesNo
Stomach Problems * SelectYesNo
Stroke * SelectYesNo
Tuberculosis * SelectYesNo
Tumors * SelectYesNo
Ulcers * SelectYesNo
Thyroid Problem * SelectYesNo
Joint Replacement * SelectYesNo
Pins/plates in bone * SelectYesNo
Tobacco Use * SelectYesNo
Have you ever had any complications following dental treatment? * SelectYesNoIf yes, please explain
Have you been admitted to a hospital or needed emergency care during the past two years? * SelectYesNoIf yes, please explain
Are you now under the care of a physician? * SelectYesNoIf yes, please explain
Do you have any health problems that need further explanation? * SelectYesNoIf yes, please explain
Name of Emergency Contact *
Phone of Emergency Contact *
Medications *
Allergies (including prescription drugs) *
To the best of my knowledge, all of the preceding answers and information provided are true and correct. If I ever have any change in my health, I will in form the hygienist at the next appointment without fail.
Whom may we thank for referring you to SmileLogic, Inc.?
Referral Name *
Referral Date of Birth *
Referral Phone *
Referral Work Phone * Ext.
Best time to call *
Employer Name * Employer Phone *
Employer Address *
(We want to get to know you!)
Occupation (or school if student) *
Hobbies/interests *
Something unique about you *
Name of Dentist (current or former) *
Date of last visit mm/dd/yy *
Reason for today’s visit *
Current homecare *
Do you like your smile? *
Have you ever used or interested in any whitening products? *
Do your gums bleed while brushing or flossing? * SelectYesNo
Do you feel pain in your mouth or teeth? * SelectYesNo
Any lumps or sores in or near your mouth? * SelectYesNo
Do you have jaw pain? * SelectYesNo
Are your teeth sensitive to hot/cold? * SelectYesNo
Are your teeth sensitive to sweet? * SelectYesNo
Do you grind or clench your teeth? * SelectYesNo
Do you wear a night guard or retainer? * SelectYesNo
Do you have frequent headaches? * SelectYesNo
Do you have any dental implants? * SelectYesNo
Do you have dentures or partial dentures? * SelectYesNo
Are you worried that you have bad breath? * SelectYesNo
I understand that I am being seen by a licensed Colorado Dental Hygienist. I understand that is recommended that I see a licensed Colorado Dentist for dental exams yearly and that I am responsible for obtaining those exams.
I understand that Smile Logic will have my radiographs viewed and evaluated by a licensed dentist.
I understand that communication will be done via email and that it may not be encrypted. (appointment reminders, x-rays, treatment notes, etc.) Things like social security number and account information will not be shared, unless with an insurance company, which is encrypted.
Payment is solely the responsibility of the patient or responsible party. We will gladly bill insurance as a service to you, but any nonpayment or partial payment is then the patients responsibility. Non payment may result in turning over your account to a collections agency.
I have read the above conditions of treatment and payment and I agree to their content.
Relationship to Patient
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