Healthy Savings: How a Healthy Lifestyle Can Help You Save Money

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Living healthily goes a long way in improving your quality of life and keeping you physically fit, but it can also relieve a surprising amount of financial pressure. You don’t need to completely transform your life to begin saving – with a few simple changes, you’ll soon be both fitter and wealthier.

Adjust your shopping habits

A good first step towards better financial fitness is to think about diet. Items like beans, lentils, whole grains, and nuts, are relatively inexpensive and have a long shelf life. Consider buying these and other tinned foods in bulk when they are on sale or if there is a possibility of benefiting from wholesale prices.

Meat is one of the most costly items in the grocery store, so eating less of it can help you save a lot of money. Focus on eating more plant-based proteins, some of which can even be grown at home. If this isn’t possible, buy produce when it’s in season, as it’ll be cheaper because of the abundance of stock.

Most importantly, avoid takeaways, cafeteria lunches, and coffee on the go as often as possible. Plan lunches and dinner ahead of time so you have control over which ingredients are used. Cutting down on vices like alcohol and cigarettes will also save you hundreds of dollars and could go a long way in improving your lung and liver function.

Fitness and Relaxation

The cost of a gym membership can be upwards of $100 per month, so if you’re not using your membership regularly, that’s a lot of wasted money. Try working out at home using free online resources or investing in a few key pieces of equipment like dumbbells and a yoga mat.

You can incorporate your fitness efforts into your hobbies too by getting active outdoors. You won’t need to spend money either as activities like going for a walk, hiking, or bike riding in your local park are free.

Start a Health-Based Business

There are plenty of health-based business ideas to choose from, including selling health products online, becoming a personal trainer, opening a yoga studio, and much more. Get started by creating a business plan to prepare yourself for all that will be involved with running it. Let this start a business guide be your roadmap. You’ll also need to create top-notch branding, so make use of a free online logo maker to ensure that your business is recognizable.


If your employer offers a wellness program, taking advantage of it could grant you access to free or discounted gym memberships, health screenings, and other perks. There are a number of free or low-cost health apps available that can help you save money. These can track your fitness progress, help you find discounts on healthy foods, and more.

You may also be able to save on doctor and dentist fees by getting screenings and prescription refills via virtual consultations, so it may be worthwhile to check if your healthcare providers offer these services.


If you live in a city, using public transportation can save you a lot of money on gas and parking. It’s also often quicker than driving, and you can use the time to read, catch up on work, or relax. Getting a library card is also a great way to save on books, magazines, and DVDs.

Furthermore, simple changes at home can make a big difference too. Make your own beauty products and DIY chemical-free cleaning products to avoid being exposed to too many toxins. You could also invest in a good water bottle to save on bottled water and keep yourself hydrated.

Keeping your health status in check is more important than ever, but rather than seeing it as an insurmountable task, consider tips that are easy to implement with your current lifestyle to get started. You’ll soon be well on your way to healthy savings.

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